HR, Organisation Development, Learning & Development
Committed to Excellence
Since 2012, I have provided high quality, cost effective HR, OD and L&D services to small, medium and large organisations across the public sector. I work with organisations and people to improve effectiveness, performance and wellbeing through the following services:
Main services: advice and consultancy on HR, employee relations and employment law, completion of dignity at work, disciplinary and trust in case investigations, provision of end to end recruitment services from job design to contract drafting, employee engagement and wellbeing surveys, review and development of HR and employee relations policies and procedures, production of employee handbooks, development of performance management systems, equality audits.
Organisation Development:
Main services: organisational and HR reviews and restructuring, change management consultancy, development of organisational and HR strategies, team development and action planning, MBTI for teams and individuals, diversity and inclusion strategies and initiatives, facilitation of stakeholder engagement, developing mission, vision and values.
Learning & Development (L&D):
Main services: open and customised training programmes including accredited HR and change management, core skills for managers, dignity at work and equality; lecturing in HRM/organisational behaviour, coaching for senior executives and HR professionals, leadership development, delivery of seminars/webinars on HR topics, chairing/facilitation of networking and leadership events, chairing/presenting at conferences
Contact me today and find out how my services can benefit your company. I promise to reply within one business day!